Ultrasound Scans
What is an ultrasound scan?
An ultrasound scan uses sound waves to record a picture of parts of the human body. A hand held probe is moved across the skin surface and the images are displayed on the screen and stored on a computer.
Ultrasound is a safe procedure and does not involve ionising radiation. It is often the first line of investigation for abdominal, gynaecological and musculoskeletal symptoms.

Who will perform the ultrasound?
An experienced sonographer who is NHS trained will perform the examination. Occasionally a Consultant Radiologist will perform the ultrasound.
Where will the procedure take place?
In your local GP surgery close to your home.
Is there any special preparation?
Some exams require no preparation. You may be required to have a full bladder or be fasted for 6 hours before your scan. You will receive specific further information in an appointment letter/e-mail. If you are a diabetic please bring some food along with you on the day of your scan.
Upon arrival
You will be met by one of the reception staff and will wait in the waiting area. One of our assistants will then bring you into the ultrasound room where you will meet the sonographer.
What happens during the scan?
You will lie down on a couch, the lights will be dimmed and gel and an ultrasound probe will be applied to your skin. Images will be recorded so they can be viewed later.. The examination should not be painful. The scan should take no longer than 20 minutes.
When will I get my results?
Your scan will be reported on the day and be sent by post, fax or e-mail to your GP within 2 working days. Rarely a scan may require a second opinion from one of our senior Sonographers or Consultant Radiologists. This will happen within 24 hours. You should arrange to see your GP 7-10 days after your scan to discuss the results. A provisional report may be given to you verbally on the day by our Sonographer.
Complaints procedure
We strive to always give our patients the best possible care. We will investigate any complaints from patients or their representatives thoroughly. If you are unhappy with the service or care we are providing please contact us at info@yorkshirehealthsolutions.com or telephone 0113 3854665.